The 8 Stages of EMDR


There are 8 stages of the EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) protocol. However, the process is not always linear. It is important that we personalize the protocol based on your needs. We will always be assessing to see how and if we should move forward with the processing. You will always have a say and complete control over your experience.

The 8 Stages:

  • History Taking

  • Preparation

  • Assessment

  • Reprocessing

  • Installation

  • Body Scan

  • Closure

  • Re-Evaluation

History Taking

We will discuss your current challenges and symptoms, when they are most noticeable and problematic, what life was like for you as a child, what life is like for you in the present moment, and what your hopes, goals and needs are for your future.


We believe that preparation is one of the most important stages of EMDR. It is important that we do not rush this process in order to facilitate the most helpful outcome for you. Preparation is composed of three components: education, inner resourcing (resource installation), and trauma or limited belief targeting.


We will discuss EMDR and make sure that I have adequately addressed any questions or concerns you may have about the modality. I strongly encourage you to learn about EMDR so that you can make an informed choice about this treatment option and consider ways to maximize its use for your healing.

Resource Installation ("Inner Resourcing'‘):

You will be guided to visualize positive or empowering “inner resources” while using bilateral stimulation (eye movements/gentle buzzers held in hands/auditory tones or self-initiated “butterfly hugs”). These exercises will enhance your ability to comfort yourself and to enter into a more relaxed state.


We will begin conceptualizing possible EMDR “targets.” These targets are experiences in your present life that feel limiting or debilitating. These targets can include traumatic memories, negative thoughts or beliefs, distressing feelings, fear or anxiety symptoms, uncomfortable or painful body sensations, and disturbing dreams.


We will choose a “target” that you would like to work on or get relief from. We will discuss the target memory or sensation, to include what thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are associated with the memory or sensation.

Reprocessing & Desensitization

We will activate the neural networks in your brain that are associated with the chosen target so that it can be “processed." We will apply bilateral stimulation (eye movements, gentle buzzers held in your hand, and/or auditory tones.)

We will continue processing until we are able to transform the negative beliefs associated with the memory into a more empowering belief. This does not mean that the distress you felt at the time of the event is being changed, it just means that your body and mind recognizes that the memory happened in the past.

Desensitization means thats we will continue targeting current (present) triggers and future triggers.


When the target memory has been desensitized (aka the distress level is “0 or 1” on a scale of 0-10), we will link or associate the positive belief to the target memory using bilateral stimulation

Body Scan

We will mentally scan your body from head to toe and notice any residual sensations or discomfort that we may continue to process with bilateral stimulation.


It is important that you are able to walk out of each session feeling safe, stable and grounded. If we are in the middle of reprocessing at the end of a session, we will lead you into a mindfulness or relaxation exercise.


At the next session, we will discuss your experience since the last session. We will “double-check” our work by bringing up the original target in order to make sure the positive changes have remained.

Toni Kim